About the Park

The Park project started in 2008 and, since then, it has evolved and consolidated itself as an ecosystem specialized in the transfer of knowledge and innovation. Located on the Unicamp campus, the Park's environments allow students and researchers to work together with incubated companies, startups and R&D laboratories. They also generate knowledge applied to emerging technology practices in several segments and industries. This great talent network works as a catalyst for new ideas and businesses, creating an important link between the academic environment and the market, and facilitating collaboration with Unicamp

The strategic partnerships of the Park


Unicamp is one of the largest and best Universities in Brazil.

The Institution is renowned for its innovation capacity, and it is listed among the top three in the “World University Rankings” of the best universities UNICAMP INNOVATION AGENCY INOVA connects Unicamp to the companies set up in the Park. The Agency helps to establish partnerships, facilitate contacts, unbureaucratize processes and collaborates with: in Latin America, which is published annually by the Times Higher Education (THE).

The ample infrastructure has:

  • 24 educational facilities
  • 21 multidisciplinary centers
  • + 40,000 students
  • + de 2,000 professors
  • ~ 8,000 employees.


Inova connects Unicamp to the companies set up in the Park.

The Agency helps to establish partnerships, facilitate contacts, unbureaucratize processes and collaborates with:

  • Patent development
  • Promotion of interactions within the community (such as events, contests and awards)
  • Capture of information from companies and projects
  • Dissemination and visibility of the work carried out


The Park is supported by a committed team of experienced managers and facilitators connected with the environment of innovation, entrepreneurship and research.

Prof. Renato Lopes

Executive director at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Professor at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) at Unicamp.
PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech).
Graduated and master in Electrical Engineering from Unicamp.

Prof. Rangel Arthur

Associate director at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Professor at the Unicamp Faculty of Technology (FT).

Master and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp).

Mariana Zanatta Inglez

Innovation Ecosystems and Entrepreneurship Coordinator at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Master and PhD in Scientific and Technological Politics by Unicamp.

Graduated in Economic Sciences by UNESP

Vital Yasumaru

Incubation and Entrepreneurship Supervisor at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Graduated in Pedagogy by Unesp
Graduated in Design by Mackenzie
Master in Psychology of Education by PUC

Kátia Kishi

Communication Supervisor at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Master in Scientific Communication by Unicamp.
Specialist in Scientific Journalism by Unicamp.
Journalist by Unesp.

Cleber de Souza

Facilities Supervisor at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Business administrator by Anhanguera.

Specialist in Project Management by Anhanguera.

Specialist in Quality Management System by Unicamp.

Gustavo Alexandre

IT supervisor at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Business administrator by Anhanguera.

Specialist in Project Management by Anhanguera.

Specialist in Quality Management System by Unicamp.

Luciana Silva

Innovation Environment Analyst at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Master in Economic Development by Unicamp

Economic Scientist and Bachelor of International Relations from FACAMP

João Victor Teixeira

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems Analyst at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Graduated in Economic Sciences by Unicamp

Matheus Marques

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems Analyst at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Master in Scientific and Technological Policy by Unicamp.
Graduated in Economic Sciences by Unicamp

Letícia Moreira de Oliveira

Communication Analyst at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Master in Multimedia at Unicamp Arts Institute

Graduated in Social Communication - Production in Communication and Culture at Federal University of Bahia

Raphaela Gomes Martins

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Environments Analyst

Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy e Biochemistry

Vinicíos Rosa Ferreira

Freelance Journalist at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Journalist by Unesp

Leidiane Aparecida de Paula

Administrative Assistant at Inova Unicamp

Graduated in Management Processes from Centro Universitário Internacional Uninter

Isadora Morcelli

Communication Intern at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Undergraduate Student in Multimedia at Unicamp Arts Institute

Roberto Martins

Communication Intern at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Undergraduate student in Multimedia at Unicamp Arts Institute

Glauco Varjão

Intern in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Environments

Environmental engineering

Marcos Revejes Pedroso

Intern Entrepreneurship Environments at Unicamp Innovation Agency

Undergraduate student in Economy at Unicamp